Shaping tomorrow's professionalsOur faculty and staff are committed to providing students with a challenging and inspiring learning environment yet supporting of their personal, academic and professional aspirations. We work with our students in order to foster their skills and abilities and become successful leaders in their chosen field, become all rounded personalities, responsible and respected citizens of the society.
International Relations Department

Yiannos Charalambides
President and Head of Department
Dr. Charalambides is the President of Ledra College in Nicosia as well as the Head of the Department of International Relations, Global Economy and Strategic Analysis.
He has received numerous international awards such as the Silver Medal of the Republic of Serbia (2013). He holds a Prof in European studies and International Relations from the University of Middlesex, a Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations from the University of Indianapolis, a Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations from the University of Nicosia and has graduated from Athens Law School (LLB Law).
Dr. Charalambides is the author of numerous scientific articles and books. He has attended and organised numerous seminars and participated in a variety of research programs for the past of 20 years. He worked as political advisor in the European Parliament and most of his articles have been published in the Cyprus, Greek and International Press (New Europe).

George Filis
Dr. George Filis is an Adjunct Professor of DEREE – The American College of Greece (ACG) teaching in the International Business Dpt. interdisciplinary courses on the field of European Political-Economic affairs and Int. Business and history and geopolitics of the Middle East. He is also a visiting Professor to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Moreover, he is a member of the academic board of the ACG-based Institute of Diplomacy and Global Affairs. He acts as a visiting lecturer on issues of geopolitical and strategic developments in the Kapodistriako University of Athens and the Hellenic National Defence College (ΣΕΘΑ: Σχολή Εθνικής Άμυνας). He is also a member of an official established expert’s committee at the preparation of government planning on issues of my field of expertise (IR & Diplomacy), on top political level.
Moreover, he is affiliated to the Institute of Security and Defence Analysis (ISDA), the Academy for Strategic Analyses (ASA) and to the international consultant organization wikistrat, dispatched in the European and Energy Security Desks.
Dr. Filis holds a PhD in Geopolitical Analysis from the University of Durham (UK), an MA in International Studies from the same University, while his BA in Economics was successfully completed in the ACG. Many of his articles, analysis and views appear on a regular basis to the electronic and printed media, Greek and foreign, while his academic work is being presented in international conferences, seminars, universities and military academies. At Ledra College, Dr. Filis is teaching several modules related to International Relations, Global Economy and Strategic Analysis.

Saša Virijević Jovanović
Apart from her position at Ledra College’s Faculty of International Relations, Dr. Jovanovic is a Professor at the Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance in MEF Belgrade. During her doctoral studies, she conducted research on tourism management and its effect on the economy of Serbia. Many of her papers have been published in internationally acclaimed journals and her research interests include the analysis of motivators in the serbian banking sector, the emotional motivators on consumer behaviour and the effects of the Covid-10 pandemic on Economy.

Panayiotis Ifestos
Dr. Ifestos has been a Professor at the University of Piraeus and the Panteion University. He has studied Law (BA, University of Athens), European Studies (MA, Manchester University), Political Science and International Relations (Ph.D, University of Brussels). An author of various books and articles, his academic interests include state theory, history of international relations, theory of international politics, political economy of international relations, geopolitics, geostrategy, European integration, USA’s foreign policy, Euroatlantic relations, regional politics, energy and international politics, Greco-Turkish relations. He is a member of Ledra College’s Faculty of International Relations, Global Economy and Strategy.

Nikolaos Deniozos
Associate Professor
Dr. Nikos Κ. Deniozos is a Senior Officer of the Hellenic Coast Guard (rtd), a graduate of the Naval Cadet School – School of Hellenic Coast Guard’s Ensigns Cadets, a graduate of the Department of Economics of AUEB (Athens University of Economics and Business) , a holder of a Master’s and a PhD in Regional Development / Economic Geography from the Institute of Regional Development of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, and from the University of the Aegean respectively. He also holds a Master’s in Quantitative Methods in Decision Making from the Postgraduate Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He is a graduate of the School of National Defense and the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies. Also he is a graduate of the School of National Defense (Degree in Strategic and Defense Studies).
Furthemore, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Geocultural Analysis of the Wider Middle East and Turkey of the Department of Turkish Studies and Contemporary Asian Studies of the School of Economics and Political Science of EKPA (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). He teaches at the Postgraduate Department of Geopolitical Analysis and Geopolitical Composition of the Department of Turkish Studies and Contemporary Asian Studies of the School of Economics and Political Science of EKPA and at the Department of International Relations, Global Economy and Strategy of Ledra College.

George Kakouris

Christodoulos Pelaghias
Associate Professor
Dr. Christodoulos Pelaghias is the senior partner of a Cyprus-based international law practice. He is admitted to practice law in New York and Cyprus, and formerly worked as a corporate finance attorney in New York City. Dr. Pelaghias is a member of many professional associations, and serves on the Executive Committee of the International Section of the New York State Bar Association.
He is currently the President of the Cyprus Council of the European Movement International (EMI), and a former member of the Board of Directors of the EMI. He is the Chairman of the European Rim Policy and Investment Council (ERPIC), a Cyprus-based think- tank that focuses on geopolitical, legal and energy issues in the Eastern Mediterranean. He is a member of the Cyprus Geostrategic Council that advises the President of the Republic of Cyprus. Dr. Pelaghias holds an M.A. in International Affairs, a Ph.D. in Political Science, and a J.D. in Law, all from Columbia University. He is the author of numerous articles on political science, international affairs and law and a member of Ledra College’s Faculty of International Relations, Global Economy and Strategy.

Andreas Loizou
Associate Lecturer
Mr. Loizou is a Colonel (rtd) of the National Guard of Cyprus. Apart from the Hellenic Military Academy, he attended prestigious Military Schools such as the Higher School of War and the School of National Defence in Greece as well as the School of Infantry, the School of War and the Interarmy College of Defence in France.
He holds a Master’s degree in Strategy (DESS) and History (DEA) from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes of Paris, France. He has been the Chairman of the Cyprus Military History Committee for 10 years and a Lecturer at the School of National Defence of Greece, the University of Cyprus and the University of Central Lancashire. His studies and academic interests include history, war and strategy. At Ledra College, he teaches several strategic analysis related modules of the BA in International Relations, Global Economy and Strategy.
Business and Marketing Department

Stelios Stavrou
Stelios Stavrou was born in Nicosia. In 2016 he obtained a Diploma in Digital Marketing from Ledra College, and in 2018 from the same college, he obtained a BSc Mobile and Web Applications Development degree. In 2019 he obtained an MSc Digital Marketing degree from the University of West London (University of West London – CIM). His master’s thesis was based in the Effectiveness of Higher Education Digital Marketing: Insights from the Cypriot Market. He also holds CISCO-CCNA surveillance certificates in Cyber Security. He speaks and writes fluent Greek and English. Since October 2019 he has been working at Ledra College.

Elena Isseyegh
Long and solid experience in teaching Business and English as a Second Language (TESOL) for over 16 years. Knowledge in all levels of the Cambridge exams as well as IELTS, Business English, and English Literature. Lecturer and Module Content Administrator of the Medical School Foundation Course- IMAT, BMAT, HPAT (Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning). Extra skills include Creative Writing, Editing and Proofreading. Strong education professional with a Master of Arts (MA) from an English University.
Computer Science Department

Andreas Siamarou
Dr. Andreas Siamaros brings together a 20 year experience in teaching, research, academic development quality assurance consulting, and R & I services in Higher Education. Dr Siamaros will be the designated technical consultancy services consultant for the Innovation Vouchers and the proposal. Dr Andreas Siamaros obtained a diploma in Technical Engineering from the Higher Technological Institute (ATI) Cyprus, in the field of Electrical Engineering. He continue his studies in the United Kingdom where he was awarded a BEng (Hons) Electronic and Communications Engineering (First Class), Mphil/PhD in Wireless telecommunications systems, Big Data transmission, 5th generation networks and beyond in 60 GHz frequency. He also holds a Masters in Management of Business (MBA) with specialization in Management from the University Nicosia. His greatest award and recognition as a scientist being awarded the First World Prize as result of pioneering measurements in 5th wireless networks generation and beyond, which find applications today in mobile and wireless internet, on HDTV, artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT), smart education, smart hotel and smart agriculture and telemedicine. He has published more than 40 scientific articles in journals with judges and conferences. Dr Siamaros was awarded three consecutive awards by the Institute of Engineering and Technology of the United Kingdom, which is one of the largest and most important international professional bodies in engineering and technology industries with over 150,000 members. He got the first prize in the presentation of his undergraduate work in East Wales by the IET Young Members Section. He was awarded the first prize in a World Written competition that IET members under 35 years old. Representing the IET of Cyprus, he won the third prize in a Pan-European Competition Presentation of a research paper in Aachen, Germany. He is considered one of the top scientists around the world in the development of wideband networks especially in frequencies beyond 60 GHz. Dr. Siamaros during the period (1998-2001) published results of pioneering experiments and measurements in internal environments (picocells), with an assessment of the volume and wireless data transfer speed of the order of Gbits/s.

Anna Pantelidou

Panagiotis Kakouris

Stella Kafiza

Tina Kyriakou
Culinary Arts Department

Alecos Constantinides

Alexis Charalambous

Georgia Mouzoura

Rebecca Papadopoulos